Holzers Peepshow
Cast: Anita Köchl, Edi Jäger, Magdalena Köchl & Klaus Eibensteiner
Directed by Hanspeter Horner
Recorded vocals: Katharina Böhme, Magdalena Köchl, Leopold Eibensteiner & Klaus Eibensteiner
Japanese translation by Yukie Koji
Written by Markus Köbeli
"Anita Köchl and Edi Jäger shine as folk actors in the very best way with plenty of sense for nonsense. It is the sensitivity for very dark tones that lifts the production far beyond the farmer's chest. Klaus Eibensteiner puts on a very silent but very physically demanding performance as the ninety-year-old Grandfather. ... in the role of Anna (Magdalena Köchl) the timeless topicality of the piece becomes frighteningly clear. ... The incidental music with its alienated yodels is terrific!"
A family of small farmers, The Holzers, faces existential dread. Farming hasn’t been profitable for a long while now. Large companies and industrial factory farming are too powerful. Even their ski lift business suffers due to climate change and having to operate in the shadows of monstrous ski areas. All of these struggles spark an idea in hopes of earning a few of those tourist euros everyone else seems to be cashing in on.
The Holzers band together to turn their home into a sort of peep show, presenting their supposed quaint and perfect world as a living folklore museum. A bitter farce about the suffering of locals in tourist regions shown through a lens of laughter and situational comedy.